Master Alchemist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Trainer, Author, Mediator, Therapy Game Inventor
In her practice over the last thirty years, Debbie Unterman has seen thousands of clients, and taught hundreds of students in the techniques of Alchemical Hypnotherapy, both at the Alchemical Hypnotherapy Association of Atlanta (AHAA!) and the Alchemy Institute in California. She describes herself as “a private eye for the soul” – helping people find themselves and restore lost dreams. She is well known for her work with survivors of childhood abuse or neglect, her innovative cure for co-dependency, and her skillful style in dealing with sub-personalities, all of which she has written a self-help book about, called Talking to My Selves: Learning to Love the Voices in Your Head. She is also skilled in helping couples relate better through cutting edge communication techniques.
Her education began with a BA degree in 1975 in Interpersonal Communications from the State University of New York, which included a minor in Theatre and a semester abroad in Paris. She began on her inner journey of self-exploration with the Alchemy process in 1983, the year it was created by David Quigley, and reached the status of being one of only a handful of approved Trainers in 1988. For 25 years she has been training others in this deeply mystical, yet completely practical set of tools. She received her certifications in Hypnotherapy and Jin Shin Do Acupressure from Heartwood College of the Healing Arts in Northern California. She is also certified by the State of Georgia as a Mediator through the Conflict Resolution Academy.
Debbie is the founder of the Alchemical Hypnotherapy Associations (AHAA!) of Atlanta and New Zealand (Aoteoroa). She is also the creator of two therapy-based board games, Clarity: The Game of Your Life and Satori: The Game of Radical Forgiveness.
A skilled communicator, she has presented workshops at venues such as Hypnosis Conferences, Mind/Body/Spirit Expos, and AT&T; been a guest on various radio and cable television shows; and hosted her own weekly radio talk show on health in Northern California. Debbie Unterman is a dedicated healer whose compassion, listening skills and spiritual clarity motivate her students and clients. Her expertise, authenticity and insights are inspiring, while her enthusiasm is contagious.
(taken from an introduction at a book signing in Atlanta)I have known Debbie Unterman for over twenty years and she has been a loyal and faithful friend – a quality that is rare to find – as well as a gifted and cutting-edge therapist. I remember when she first created the Game of Clarity in 2000. I was one of the first people to play it. I knew she was talented and creative, but little did I know how much wisdom she held, and she poured it all into that incredible game!
Then when she began writing her book, Talking to My Selves, she let me read it chapter by chapter, as she wrote it over the course of a couple of years. I was awed at her ability to write in a way that the common lay person could understand, while allowing people to find themselves in the pages of her thoughts and analogies. As an avid believer in psychotherapy, I wish I had this book years ago.
She’s laid out all the right components for a reader to understand the Self and heal the “Selves”. You can quickly find your own inner archetypes and learn so much about yourself. I have to admit that as I read it I cringed a little when I heard her describe aspects of myself I try to disown, such as The Queen and Ms. Perfect. But as Debbie says, I just need to embrace and love them all!
As a side note, I was impressed that she never gave up on her goal. I heard her talk about wanting to write a book for over ten years, but there are so many people who say they want to write one, yet never do it. I am so proud of what I’ve seen her accomplish between writing the book, inventing Clarity, and then going on to help create “Satori” – another therapeutic board game for Colin Tipping and his Radical Forgiveness process.
Yet one of the best parts of Debbie is who she is as a person. She has a heart as big as the sun and a smile that can lift a dreary day. Between Debbie, the Game of Clarity, and her book – I believe you can heal your life! The motto I think of when I think of Debbie is: “To understand oneself is to know oneself.” What can be better than that?
If you are seriously interested in self-discovery and healing yourself on all levels – do not let the opportunity of owning Debbie’s book, playing one of her games, or having a private Alchemy session from her pass you by!
– Candace Zellner, Spiritual Counselor